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Notification of power supply issue at Data centers VN4 HCM.

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Dear valued customers,


Thank you for trusting and using our services during the past time.


According to information from vHost monitoring system and partner, we have recorded a incident power supply issue at Data centers VN4 HCM with detailed reports as follows:


  • Incident start time: From 11:30 May 24, 2024 (GMT +7:00 Vietnam Timezone).
  • Incident end time: Until 14:30 May 24, 2024 (GMT +7:00 Vietnam Timezone).
  • Impacts: server at Rack D13.
  • Incident causes: the server burned out, so the CB automatically isolated the source to ensure safety.
  • Precautions: vHost has isolated the affected server from the system and the system has returned to normal operation.


We sincerely apologize for this unexpected incident. 


We will check and closely monitor the above issue. Sincerely inform you to know the news.


In case you need further assistance, please contact vHost through the following channels:


Best regards,

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